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Forum Posts

Jul 24, 2021
In Grow Community
First, I will provide what I am using and will explain the situation after. Info: Strain - ILGM Northern Lights Autoflower. Pots: 5 gallon cloth pots (2 plants). One plant in a smaller pot (I thought about putting this one outside but decided to throw it in the tent. Soil: Foxfarm - Ocean Forest. System Type: N/A PH of runoff: Plants are 26 days old. Mostly used spray bottle to keep soil moist. Just started to actually water them with a watering can a week ago. No runoff yet. Afraid of over watering in the beginning Water Type: Distilled What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS: Not using nutrient yet - the soil should provide enough nutrients for the first 4 weeks (or at least that's what I heard and going by) Indoor Grow: Spider Tent 2’x4’ w/ Spiderfarmer SP2000 LED Fixture I believe this 200W - I dim the fixture down to 80% Temperatures: Day: 75-76°F @ 70% Humidity Night: 68°F @ 60% Humidity (I'm usually asleep at this time - I’ll do this different at my next grow) Light / Dark (hours) 18/6 Fixture Height: 24” above plants Ventilation system: AC infinity - Cloudline T6 (6”) exhaust fan w/filter I have the temperature/humidity probe at the same height as the top of the plants Setpoints to start exhausting at 71% humidity & 79°F AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier, I do have a humidifier & dehumidifier. At the moment the fan is taking care of the space really well. I’m not running either the humidifier or dehumidifier right now. Issue: On day 23 I started to notice some of the leaves are turning yellow / spotting on one of my plants in the 5 gallon pots. The other two are looking fine. I’m wondering if I should be worried about this. Please see the attached pictures. I don’t think it's a nutrient or a watering issue. The leaves seem to be pointing towards the light fixture , almost looking stiff where the other two plants look very relaxed and happy. So my original thought was too much light and stressing her out? I did turn down the dimming to 75% and moved the plant to another location, but she’s looking the same. Another thing I read up on was maybe variegation? I’m just perplexed because it's just one of my plants. I find myself reading so much I think I need to take a step back and ask a question. I appreciate any comments and thank you again.
What do you think this is? Beginner Grower in need of help. Thanks in advance! content media


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