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she snapped 80-90%! what should I do?
In Grow Community
I have a northern lights autoflower that won't Flower? Ideas or cut
In Grow Community
Jun 06, 2021
@darcyraejoff lol yeah it is weird
I have a northern lights autoflower that won't Flower? Ideas or cut
In Grow Community
I have a northern lights autoflower that won't Flower? Ideas or cut
In Grow Community
Jun 05, 2021
? It's was weird. I cut her
I have a northern lights autoflower that won't Flower? Ideas or cut
In Grow Community
Humic/Fulvic Acid Experience?
In Grow Community
May 29, 2021
@Living Gardening
Humic/Fulvic Acid Experience?
In Grow Community
May 29, 2021
Thank you! i did have white clover, but it all died once my canopy grew in? Now it's just dead leaves and alfalfa hay and some stragglers that still made it lol. I've got a mix pack of seeds called cannasseur to try. It's got oats, peas, hairy vetch and crimson clover in it. Should I plant now or after I harvest these? For Ipm I've been using dr. Browns soap, essential oils, lady bugs, nematodes, and there's red wiggler worms too. I have a worm bin I started that I'll usually take the top layer of it with the decaying stuff and put it in there to get the little white bugs. (Lol don't know what they called lol) and avocados for the worms but the white bugs seem to enjoy them more. Water soluble calcium. I'll have to try that out. I put Oster shell, dolomite lime, and gypsum in my soil when I made it. Lol I'm guessing I'm in it for the long run lol 100 gal of dirt hard to move 😄. What is kmf and jadam? So it's better not to scrog then? Cause I'm not going to lie that damn thing gets in my way haha. What do you do when your rotating/resting your pots? They need breaks in between cycles? Or can you keep a progressive garden going in same pot? How long should i let it rest before I start it again? Sorry bout all the questions, but I tried just getting a bag of soil and growing the traditional way with synthetic nutrients and I don't really care for it. Specially synthetic nutrients. I saw a guy called herbinfarmer on YouTube doing no till and that's what sparked up my interest and I personally love it and so do the girls, but I'm still new and alot to learn still. Thank you for your time and knowledge so so so much!
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Humic/Fulvic Acid Experience?
In Grow Community
I have a northern lights autoflower that won't Flower? Ideas or cut
In Grow Community
I have a northern lights autoflower that won't Flower? Ideas or cut
In Grow Community
May 19, 2021
Thanks by the way about
I have a northern lights autoflower that won't Flower? Ideas or cut
In Grow Community
I have a northern lights autoflower that won't Flower? Ideas or cut
In Grow Community
she snapped 80-90%! what should I do?
In Grow Community
Oct 21, 2020
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she snapped 80-90%! what should I do?
In Grow Community
she snapped 80-90%! what should I do?
In Grow Community
Oct 20, 2020
This is her today.
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