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Forum Posts

Jan 09, 2022
In Grow Community
Hey everyone i was wondering if anyone could help me out. I would love to have a run that stays green until fade/flush, I’m starting my 4th run now and my last 3 have made it harvest but always yellow out a few weeks into flower. I’m running 3gal fabric pot with FFOF Gia green 4-4-4/2-8-4 and 1/2 cup of worm castings for top dressing, i can keep it nice and green through veg no problem. I know FFOF is already amended so I don’t top dress until the about 3 weeks in. Then every 30 days after. My top dress before flower, is a 50/50 4-4-4/2-8-4 so 1 and a half tbs of each for a 3gal pot. Ph 6.5 every watering ( tap water ppm 250 around 7.5 ph on a continuous air stone ) I also add 1 tbs of epsom per 3 gal of water and 1 tbs black strap per 3gals alternating them each watering. im going in a 3x3x5 with a 240w from the wall LED. Can anyone see any gaping holes in my process? Any help would be greatly. This pic is from my last run it’s an out Ny Diesel auto. Also MR grow it your content is amazing i watch everything keep up the great work !
Nitrogen deficiency at the start of flower content media
Mar 12, 2021
In Grow Community
im running seedsmen lemon auto skunks in fox farm coco loco using Gaia green 4-4-4 /2-8-4 as well as worm castings for a top dress I was watering every other day when the pots were light about 2 L (about 1/2 a gallon) i Am in week two of flower. I came home on Monday to find my plants clawing from the stem down pots were dry and light so I watered them ( 12 hours after there regular watering) the next morning about an hour after the lights came back on they perked up and were looking good came back home that night same thing. i thought maybe my RH was to low being at an average of 20% so I put my humidifier back in now running avg of about 50% thought it would help the stay moist longer. After that I let the pots dry out for two days before watering again and I’m still seeing clawing.
Am I over or under watering  content media


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