This is my first time growing I've germinated my seeds in water for 24 hours
I then put them in a paper towel soap with water in a plastic bag for another 12 hours
I just planted the seeds in small styrofoam Solo cups filled with Coco coir and watered them and placed plastic bags over the tops of them and put them by my window sill
Now that I have my first set of leaves I've placed it in front of a fan still resting on my windowsil my question now is with no budget whatsoever how should I go about raising these plants indoor?
do you have any updated pictures ? - with being outside there are many thing to look out for - mainly unwanted Bugs that might give problems - one of them being the Potato Bug - aka Pill bug - these like to climb the main stalk and get under the leaves so its hard to see from top view.
what i did to help control this BUG Problem -- i took some painters tape and wrapped it around the stalks so the sticky side would be like a umbrella - they hit detour and boom they get stuck like a mouse on a glue trap.
the next setback was with Spider mites and Spiders - this was a big deal as every day i would come out and check up on things - every day i would be trying to remove webs - mostly by the nodes where one could really see just how much was covered.
not to mention the leaves turning in like a tube - having spots and chunks missing eaten by bugs --
and between each node the stretch was way to much - the plants got to about 4 foot tall but looked very sparse - not much inner growth.
this may or may not happen to your grow but its some things to watch out for.
i too am a budget grower and have had some good and bad results - have you thought about using a old stand up shower stall ? ( i have and its a great spot for grows ) or even part of a closet - old bookcase / cabinet - hell i even went as far as using a Refrigerator box as a grow booth being on a tight budget, even for reflecting the light i used tinfoil ( shiny side ) for the lining of the walls.
if you really want some good ideas on budget grows contact me and i will try to help the best way i can.
best to you on your grow Peace n Growers Luv
Make your next purchase a grow light. Unfortunately, you won't grow anything worth harvesting if growing in a windowsill that gets very little direct sunlight. I'm willing to bet your seedling will be stretching for light in the upcoming days. What's your plan for feeding it nutrients?
With no budget it's probably not going to work. Environment is critical to success, especially lighting. Can you put it outside?
Soak .... Not soap lol 😂