hey all I was told to use distilled water in humidifier? It’s getting expensive I assume I can use RO water in humidifier for it won’t give white powdery mineral build up ? Is this correct ? And also If I start using RO water in my actual feed what will I have to add extra ? I heard calmag But is that the only extra bottle I have to grab if going from tap to RO ? Cuz it’s have leaf spots that look like rust spots and they look like calcium def or tap water issues but they usual only happen on a feeble plant and at lower part of plant and I heard calcium is upper ? Also there is a RO filter or and RODI filter which do I go with ?
Thanks all. Thanks me grow it
atach pic of rust spots

Yes you can use RO water in humidifier instead of distilled. Sounds like you may need CalMag. Most growers do 5-10ml per gallon every watering. That's on top of your base nutrients.