so i have a corridor 1 x 3 and i would like to implement the scrog technique in my next grow . but i have the problem that i cant think how to water or check runoff from the pots in the back after i install the scrog net . i water by hand . i will also offer a photo . any ideas? how do you do it ? one way i thought is to make the grow tottaly organic so no runoff checks and to transplant to final pot at flower phase so that i will only have to water but still i cant make a clear plan . open to suggestions . thank you all and happy easter from Greece

Most just crawl under the net, others use some sort of an extension to reach back of plants - i.e. sprayer. Or you could always go with autowatering system.
I mentioned in another post to someone about those same issues with scrog. Some people take a pitcher and put a hose on it to reach the back ones. Its also an issue weaving your plants out at harvest if you dont want to cut your net up. I bought a net a long time ago and still have never used it. L.s.t for me!
I have no idea how your going to scrog that space. It's a little tight.. no removable side panels for the back.. yeah I don't know, might just want to lst those ladies. Sorry I couldn't help you out more.
thank you Jason i will . i also tend to go full organic in the future and also change to photos . i would like more control on the veg period starting not to like the sensitivity and unpredictability of the autos .
Go as organic as you can. I’m not totally against synthetic nutrients because they work well and fast. I’ve gone almost full organic and out of my many grows I’ve only ran into one problem and that problem just hit me yesterday. Having a bit of what I believe is a nitrogen deficiency but I’m not really concerned bc I’m harvesting in three weeks. If you buy Fox Farms Ocean Forest, 95% of the time you won’t have to dose nutrients at all for Atleast 30 days or more depending on your growth rate and etc. after that you can start giving your plants some dry amendments(organic of course) either top dress or mix in to your soil. I think the best part of this is your not driving yourself crazy picking out different problems with your plants or simply spending massive amounts of money on synthetic nutrients and feeding them constantly out of fear you will lose your crop. There are many pros and cons to organic gardening as well as in my opinion different “stages” of going organic. It’s like sitting at the pool with your friends and just dipping your legs in! Ok bad analogy, finish this cycle then watch MrGrowits’ Youtube channel and in one of his videos he discusses what medium and nutrient line he uses. I know he used Fox Farms before just don’t know what he uses now. I hope this helps and if you need a more in depth answer to organic growing, shoot me a message!