Anyone use humic acid in their grows? Was recommended a bottle of Full Power humic acid to dechlorinate/dechlorimine my water. The more I read on it, tho, it seems there are many more benefits to the plants as well. Wondering if anyone has input.
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First off they are two very different things. Humic Acid is something you use for building good soils. It helps the system to get the nutes to the plant through the soil. If you use a high quality product (like the one you listed and I use) then if you are using soil you can expects a noticeable boost with in 48 hrs. My auto just jumped two inches in 48 since my last humic watering. You can over do it though. Pay attention to the dosing instructions or you plant will have developmental issues. Fulvic acid is awesome too! I use it when I start seeds of any type. Using it during seed popping has cut the time involved. I have a better germ rate and you can use is in all stages of growth.
It is plant food that is immediately available to the plant both through the roots and foliarly (you can spray it on the leaves for up-take). I use it in drench when the plants are really young. I really can push them fast. I have a superhot pepper plant that is four inches tall, looks like a small tree and wants to put on fruit at three months from indoor germ. Keep in mind maturity dates for things like peppers and tomatoes are from date of transplant, not germination. It got transplanted one month ago.
I use a living soils system. If you haven't, go look into it.
It grows the best weed possible, you can feel safe about consuming it, and it's SOOOO MUCH CHEAPER then chem grows.
Just an example: I have four 50# bags of grain in my garage. If I use it to make SSTs at 2 oz of grain will make 25 gallons of fert water. If you use Alfalfa it's 1 oz. 16 oz per # divided by 2 = 8. 8 - 25 gal batches per lb of barley times 50 lbs in each bag. That's a lot of waterings. I have four bags. I got them from my local feed mill/co-op at 20-25 bones a bag.
Understand that salt/chem grows are like a guy using steroids. It looks good, but the quality will be lacking, especially if you go off the sauce. But if you develop a good soil, you never have to throw it out, you grow phenomenal flower and it's really cheap!!!
But yeah, humic and fulvic acids are great.
You gotta have the soil for em'
I'm sure you can use them in soilless mediums but that is not my muse . . .
Good luck