If I was to duct out of flower tent A into ft B should the ducting be inserted into lower or higher vent?
On one hand I understand intake usually goes in the ground vents but considering it is already up high from tent A is it better just to duct it in a straight line up top instead?
Any advice on this specifically or the subject in general is very welcome.
Rather than ducting between the tents would I be better off aligning the tents, opening the respective matching doors and fold and clip surrounding fabric to combine two 4x4 tents into an 8x4?
(Fan is an ac t8)
I have connected two tents like that before, a 3x3 tent to a 4x4 tent. I had the duct come out the top of the first tent and into the bottom of the second. The second tent with the inline fan vents from the top. I had to turn the inline fan up to handle the extra pull required.
My understanding is intake should be cooler fresh air, usually drawn in from bottom of tent to help cool the plants and the exhaust should be hotter air drawn out from top of tent. not sure how connected tents would work for intake….might be able to use 1 fan to split and exhaust 2 tents…but diff tents, diff environment so unsure about control.