This Auto is 34 days old now and was planted in a 3 gal pot of Ocean Forrest and only feed water and a little recharge. Just started showing pistils a few days ago and was going to introduce some bloom nutrients next feeding but I noticed today that some of the tips on the bud sites are yellowing. I don't have a TDS meter to check the ppm but figured the nutrients in the soil should be low by now. Should I just continue to use ph water or flush and introduce the bloom nutrients?

Yeah, start with the veg nutes first until you see the white bud tops forming. At that point, maybe do a half Veg, half Bloom nutes then switch to straight Bloom nutes after that. And like @Mr. Grow It says, use a 1/4 dose for the first while then move up to 1/2 dose if your girls look like they can handle it. Autos are usually more sensitive to nutrient burn so you generally feed then less than it says on the bottle.
Have fun!