for those who do not have lots of money to invest into growing Cannabis there are many things one can do or use to make temporary chambers / booths for virtually pennies on a dollar
this is a book case that i have turned into a grow booth

it does work great for the first couple of months if one wants to push limits
below is how it looks lines with a Emergency blanket and door type cover
yes the light is attached to a shelf that can be adjusted for growth and proper light height

here it is with a cheap grow light that was about 20 bucks or so the name is unifun about 60 to 98 LED's running at 45 Watts

here i do have a meg - shift door mad from same material

this i think is rather cool as you can look in every day without really hurting eyes unless one opens it up then yes one will need proper eye-ware as not to damage ones vision
i have used this for the past two years plus and still many are amazed when they see my creations and the results from time to time over the entire grow cycle

i do use this for all my homemade created grow booths / chambers - they will run about 3 dollars at your local Wal-Mart store in the camping section
even if one does have a small spare closet they can just setup with the Blanket and tape / a good average cost would be about 9 dollars for 3 of the blankets as one will always have new or better ideas of how to make the best use of it
this is nearing the end of a grow i have right now - as it was a experiment to stunt growth for more like a small bush / i have already in the past week removed the lower buds and leaves to allow the tops to get a bit of extra growth - they went from about 16 to 17 inches to about 22 or 23 inches over the last two and a half months

so far what i have removed sure does have one hell of a kick and that is not even correctly cured or dried right in proper manors so if this is a fine example of how the rest will be its Fantastic - even close friends are shocked at my Home Grown
yes there are two lights one is a full spectrum 600 W 198 LED's about 70 or 80 bucks from amazon - runs about 160 actual Watts- the lower light i got from Home Depot for about 40 bucks and its the Blue Spectrum - i also have the other one they carry with the RED spectrum about 50 bucks - both are about 60 LED's and run about 19 Watts
for Nitrogen i do use the Sugar and Yeast method with the tube going to the back side of a oscillating fan one to twice a month

this is what it looks like when closed up // again i did use some old bar tables that my late brother made when he made his bar it does work out to a nice 3.5 X 3.5 chamber
over all i think in the past two or three years i have a total investment of about 250 to 280 dollars just in the materials i used and use including different kinds of soils // please note this does not include the Fox Farm lineup of Nutrients
i do not have or use any carbon filters like most will say is needed - sure i have had a few that STUNK like SKUNK but it was only with in a small area around the booths and not the rest of the place
here is what i called the Twins they will be out by the first of the month and the whole chamber will be getting a cleaning and makeover for the next Grow - might move to a different location as well - but this does work great if limited on space - take-down and setup takes only about 10 to 15 minutes and only takes one person
again if you are on a fixed income or have a super tight budget start looking into ideas like this to achieve your goal !! it has payed off for me and i will not change much but my own updates in mind thought of how to make better while staying on a strict budget
and to be honest it has not really jacked up the electric bill - an average cost of about 18 to 26 dollars every month from the normal bill either if its 98 degrees out in heights of summer or -15 below zero in the cold snaps - these Emergency Blankets do work !!
Happy Growing all
the start to the Budget Grow

the two that have tap roots have been planted and now in the Bookshelf for the next 24 hours - planted yesterday - the rest i am giving a extra day or two to see if they will tap out or simply turn into soup - i do like to give between 32 and 48 hours before adding the grow light (s)
this will be very interesting to see in the coming days under correct conditions versus the Blacklight Frankenstein Grow -- meaning the same day count to see the differences in growth - that is if you are trying to follow my Dr. Frankenstein grow post
so over the next 30 days i will be adding pictures at different times to see the total difference - on just how the light spectrum does effect growth
Looking healthy! Are these confirmed females?